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Appu Ghar- Fond Memories


Appu Ghar, India's answer to the "Disneyland" was closed forever day before yesterday. This place had been a source of delight for every kid in delhi from the year of its inception in 1984. It was the country's first amusement park.

This news reminded me of my many visits to the Appu Ghar when I stayed in Delhi about a decade ago. It was the first amusement park I had ever seen. When I saw it for the first time, I was bowled over by the place. It seemed like I had entered a magical kingdom of sorts with amazing rides everywhere. The pricing though a bit costly (in 1997, 200 bucks was costly), but worth the experience and we could play any ride any number of times. We first took a round of the park as to what and all rides were present. and came back to the first ride. It was the 'Cool Splash', but seeing the queue, we postponed that particular ride and went on with the next ride, which was "Bhoot Bangla". We sat on the ride. I was very excited to sit on the ride. It was pretty good with screeching sounds all over, but the last bit of the ride was very scary, wherein they had kept a huge rock, which would almost fall on you and revert back. My heart was in my mouth in that particular second. I became very excited and went on the ride again.

Next we went to the "Appu cars", another name to popular "Dashing Cars". we checked out the ride while standing in the queue and saw that everyone was competing with each other as who will bump whom the most number of times, with electric sparks on the top of the fence the staff had put. It was the most fun filled ride I had ever sat on. When our chance came, I insisted on sitting alone in a car, my parents relented and they sat in a different car. The ride started and i manouevered my vehicle and accelerated and BHAM! I hit my parents car itself. and then turned and crashed into some strangers' car. I had started loving this ride and felt that the time should never end and I keep crashing my car to other cars.

We planned to have it an another go but seeing the rush at the queue, we backed out and went on with other rides like Giant Wheel, Roller Coaster, Merry Go Round, Appu Columbus, My Fair Lady etc etc. I did not leave a single ride present in the park.

By that time it was evening, we finished all our rides. so we went to the first ride that we had skipped i.e. the "Cool Splash". By this time the crowd had lessened a bit, but still had to wait a good 45 minutes before our turn came. This ride was very innovative, I thought. 8 People sat in a car, it took us up to a certain height in a snail's pace and then turned and travelled straight to a certain distance and then turned again and suddenly, the car picked top speed and it went and dashed to the water pool lying below, leaving us all wet. It was the best ride that I had ever gone. I wanted to go again on the ride but the huge crowd bogged me down. By then the closing time of the park was also near and we left for our home, reminscing on the highly exciting day I had.

From then on, whoever relative came to Delhi to meet us, I made it a point to take them to Appu Ghar with me accompanying them, but it is so sad that it is closing now forever and all these will remain as a thing of past now.


Santy said...
February 19, 2008 10:29 PM  

You never took me there!!

SBTVD said...
April 22, 2008 11:11 AM  

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Vikas SN said...
August 05, 2008 7:30 PM  

Thanks for the comment and also adding to your blogroll.
I checked your blog but I am sorry didnt understand your blog since it is in a different language than English :(

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