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Annoyed with the Snap's link previews? Get rid of it


Yesterday I was going through a website which had a lot of Snap's Link previews. For the uninitiated, Snap is a service provided by Snap.com. It is a small code that bloggers/web developers use on their blog or website so that,  when the visitor rolls the mouse over any link, a big bubble with a thumbnail image in it will pop up , giving them a preview of the website mentioned there.
It is a cool service if used in limit. If it goes overboard, then it can be very frustrating for the visitors because it disrupts the whole browsing experience of the visitors and has the potential to be quite a pain to the visitors.
Therefore I started searching for a method through which these snap previews can be disabled. Interestingly Snap.com itself had the answer for this problem.
Just click here or click on the link provided in the FAQ.
If you are wondering how does it work? Well, when you click on the script, your browser gets injected with a cookie that will send all those bubbles packing.
Note: Since this script depends on cookies, this method will be effective till the cookies stay. So if you delete all your cookies, then the Snap Previews will reappear.


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