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Make Money with your Twitter Profile

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Till now people used to make money using their blogs by using various monetizing networks but there were no monetizing networks which had supported the microblogging platform.
That is where now TwittAd steps in. TwittAd is a special ad network only for twitter, that allows people to put ads on their Twitter profiles and earn money out of it.
If you have a profile with lots of followers then you can use this website  to monetize it.
What TwittAd actually does is that it provides a common platform for both Twitter users and Advertisers to meet for their product placement, website promotion on the Twitter user's profile.

How to use TwittAd?

First, you will have to sign up an account with them. After signup, you will be given instructions as to how to insert ads in your profile. Payments are done through Paypal and the threshold limit i.e. minimum amount to be earned is $20.

Personally speaking, I feel it is a very innovative idea but will it work is the million dollar question as very few twitterers go to different profiles just to read other tweets. But still worth try. What say?
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